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Drinking Water

Know What You Drink

The City of Unalaska provides drinking water through its water utility that consists of one surface water source and four groundwater wells.  We also maintain one 1/2-million gallon above-ground steel reservoir.  Water service is provided through approximately 572 service connections to residents, schools and businesses meeting peak flows up to 8 million gallons per day.

Fire flow is available directly to buildings or through approximately 210 fire hydrants within the city service area. Surface water is treated with chlorine and distributed through a 2.6 million gallon chlorine contact tank in order to meet and maintain the treatment requirements for a filtration avoidance system.  Well water is treated with chlorine to maintain minimal residual levels in the distribution system.  No other chemicals are added to the water. 

Metered water service is provided at a rate of $2.19 per thousand (1,000) gallons, plus a fixed monthly fee based on meter size.

We are pleased to announce that The City of Unalaska Water Utility was recognized as “System of the Year” by the Alaska Rural Water Association at the 10th Annual ARWA Conference.