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About Bids and RFPs

Bid packages are prepared and distributed to prospective bidders of the commodities or services required.  The City of Unalaska reserves the right to accept or reject bids, or extend the closing date by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the City and by written notification to all persons who have requested bid forms.  Bids and Request of Proposal may be obtained at the Puchasing Department or Department of Public Works.

Each bid package contains complete instructions for submission of the bid.  The bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope with the name and address of the bidder and marked with the project title or bid title addressed to the Office of City Clerk, City of Unalaska, 43 Raven Way, P.O. Box 610, Unalaska, Alaska 99685.

No responsibility will attach to any purchasing agent or City Clerk for premature opening of, or failure to open a bid not properly addressed and identified.

The successful bidder will also be required to furnish Certificates of Insurance, Performance/Payment Bonds, Workmen's Compensation, etc. as specified in the bid documents.